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FLC1500 Documentation Technique / Technical Documentation www.fulloceans.com info@fulloceans.com | Fax: +33 (0)485 79 85 82 | Telephone: +33 (0)485 79 85 00 Head office: 171 bis, chemin de la Madrague Ville F-13002 Marseille - France Manufacturing and warehouse facilities: Zone Industrielle Jean Malèze 25, rue Lavoisier F-47240 Bon-Encontre - France
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Spécification générales General Specifications Masse / Weight Spécifications matière Material specifications Surface Visible / Visible Area Flottabilité / Submergence Structure / Structure Flotteurs / Floats Mât / Mast Voyant Passif / Top Mark Réflecteur Radar / Radar Reflector Lest / Ballast Acier S235 galvanisé / S235 steel galvanized PE Icorene 3575 / Icorene 3575 PE PE Icorene 3575 / Icorene 3575 PE PVC rigide & nylon / Rigid PVC & Nylon Aluminium 5083/5086 marine grade / Aluminium marine grade 5083/5086 Fonte grise / Cast iron www.fulloceans.com info@fulloceans.com | Fax: +33 (0)485 79...
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Ø1500 SPECIFICATIONS Quantité / Quantity Fonte grise / Cast iron Acier S235J2G3 galvanisée / galvanized steel S235J2G3 Flotteur / Float Polyéthylène moyenne densité / Medium density polyethylene Mousse / Foam Polyuréthane 40 kg/m³ / Polyurethane 40 kg/m³ Polyéthylène moyenne densité / Medium density polyethylene PVC rigide & nylon / Rigid PVC & nylon Support de voyant / Topmark support Aluminium 5083/5086 qualité marine / Aluminium marine grade 5083/5086 Reflecteur radar / Radar reflector Aluminium 5083/5086 qualité marine / Aluminium marine grade 5083/5086 Quantité / Quantity Général /...
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QUELQUES EXEMPLES AVEC OPTIONS / FEW EXEMPLES WITH OPTIONS Head office: 171 bis, chemin de la Madrague Ville F-13002 Marseille - France Manufacturing and warehouse facilities: Zone Industrielle Jean Maléze 25, rué Lavoisier F-47240 Bon-Encontre - France
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CHENAL PRÉFÉRÉ / PREFERRED CHANNEL DANGER ISOLÉ / ISOLATED DANGER MARQUE SPÉCIALE CYLINDRIQUE / SPECIAL MARK CYLINDRIC Toutes les configurations possibles sur le site All available configurations on website www.fulloceans.com info@fulloceans.com | Fax: +33 (0)485 79 85 82 | Telephone: +33 (0)485 79 85 00 Head office: 171 bis, chemin de la Madrague Ville F-13002 Marseille - France Manufacturing and warehouse facilities: Zone Industrielle Jean Malèze 25, rue Lavoisier F-47240 Bon-Encontre - Fra
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Toutes les configurations possibles sur le site All available configurations on website www.fulloceans.com info@fulloceans.com | Fax: +33 (0)485 79 85 82 | Telephone: +33 (0)485 79 85 00 Head office: 171 bis, chemin de la Madrague Ville F-13002 Marseille - France Manufacturing and warehouse facilities: Zone Industrielle Jean Malèze 25, rue Lavoisier F-47240 Bon-Encontre - France
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Cadenas de amarre y accesorios
3 Páginas
Lantern M550
4 Páginas
FLC2200 boyas
8 Páginas
FLC1800 boyas
8 Páginas
FLC1200 buoy
6 Páginas