Grupo: GS Groupe

Extractos del catálogo

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M REACHING PERFECTION AFTER YEARS OF GS COMPOSITE carbon gangways are an innovation in the nautical area, as they are the first gangways, manufactured by the VARTM system (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding). Their extraordinary design, technological innovation and the applicable value have launched the GS COMPOSITE gang- ways among the top nautical accessories. Die Karbon-Gangways GS COMPOSITE stellen eine Neuheit in der Welt der Nautik dar, denn es sind die ersten Gangways, die nach dem VARTM-Ver- fahren (englisch für «Vacuüm Assisted Resin Transfer Molding«) hergestellt werden. Das...
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The Prestige Carbon model will satisfy even the most demanding boat owners who appreciate not only qual- ity, but also high design of the product. Visible carbon fiber on the full surface gives an exquisite look of a technically completed gangway. The gangway is coated with a special transparent UV resistant finish, protecting the gangway from UV radiation or sea damage. I Modello Prestige Carbon renderà felici i più esigenti armatori delle bar- ce quali oltre alla estrema qualità ap- prezzano design eccezionale ed le linee eleganti del prodotto stesso. Filamento in carbonio é visibile...
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The Full Carbon gangways are made entirely from carbon fiber - on the walk- ing surface and bellow. They are ideal for boats owners who appreciate qual- ity and technical perfection. The basic white color of the gangway assures pro- tection against long sun exposure. The Full Carbon model can be produced in any color, enabling the gangway and the boat to be fully matching. ^ Das Modell Full Carbon ist kom- pleit aus Kohlenstofffasern hergestellt, und diese sind sowohl auf der Ober- als auch auf der Unterseite verarbeitet. Dieses Modell ist fiir Bootseigner geeig- net, bei denen Qualitat und...
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Extremely light, solid and easy to use The square shape prevents any warping on the torsion Integrated adjustable wheels Processing on the full surface Acid free aluminum male deck fixing Easy theft protection The gangways float on water! Extrem leicht, stabil und einfach in der Handhabung Die kantige Form verhindert eine Verbiegung Integrierte, an die Hebevorrichtung des Bootes angepasste Ràder Bearbeitete Ober-und Unterseite Einzigartiger eloxierter Anschlagstift und Befestigungsachse aus Aluminium Einfache Sicherung gegen Diebstahl Ultra leggere, eccezionale robustezza ed facile da usare...
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Female deck fitting Double male deck fitting Wire rope Safety catch for folding gangways La parte per il fisaggio feminile Perno per bloccaggio della passerella doppelter Anschlagstift zusammenlegbaren Gangway Bolsa protectora para el Pieza hembra para el montaje Pieza macho doble Perno para inmovilizar la pasarela
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Details such as custo color, care- fully chosen design and a name inscrip- tion will make your carbon gangway a I II colore alia scielta del chliente, ed un design accuratamente scielto e la personalizzazione con il nome rende l'unicità della passerella. Custom color Teak on the walking surface Boat name inscription Various anti slip surface designs II colore sulla scielta Teak sulla superfice Personalizzazione con il nome sulla Diversi tipi di design dell anti Die wàhlbare Farbe, ein sorgfàltig ausgewàhltes Design sowie der Namens- zug des Bootes gewàhrleisten eine ein- zigartige Gangway....
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A safe and unique way to your boat. Ein sicherer und einzigartiger Weg auf Ihr Boot. modo più sicuro ed unico di salire sulla Vostra Un camino singular y seguro a su embarcación. WWW. gS- COITI posi te. COITI
Abrir la página 8 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos GS Composite
Steering Wheels
4 Páginas
Carbon gangway – model CARBON LOOK
1 Páginas
Carbon gangway – model FULL CARBON
1 Páginas
Carbon gangways and steering wheels
7 Páginas
GS Optima gangway
4 Páginas